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Sports Prediction Marketplace 

SERGS NFT is a platform to bet on live sports. Sportsmonks are the data providers and NFT serves the purpose for fantasy league!

aim and our revenue Model?

We aim to be the pioneer of sports betting app in blockchain space, inspired from dream11 and bet365. .This project is not backed by any VCs or Angel investors. Our source of revenue comes from 1% fees collected in DAI, prioritising on user network effect.

Our MVP is currently on beta mode for android version, interested
members can headover to our telegram and get the APK file if they want to try it out


Launching a collection of 5000 unique copies (football managers), which will play the key role in Fantasy League, recruiting team members and redeeming ecosystem fees. 

It is not just another JPG, this will be the membership card to fantasy league, requires a manager to recruit team. 2.5% of DAI fees will be redeemed by the holders and 1% going to top 3 in leaderboards on a weekly basis.

Example: Single user betting $100 on a particular live game and $2.5 will be flowing into fee treasury.Our conservative target is atleast 500 active users and that will be a collection $1250/game, which will be redeembed by respective NFT holders

Token utility

SERGS is the native token of the ecosystem. Live games betting is ratio'ed in 50% DAI and 50% SERGS. Player cards will be paired along with SERGS for fungible trading. 

Example: MESSI/SERGS pool and user require atleast 10 MESSI fungible tokens, burn it to mint a player card if they are participating in fantasy league. NFT holders will also be able to get a pack of 11 cards using the membership.

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